1 |
Fee will be charged thrice in an year in the months ofApril, September and December. |
2 |
Brother concession is allowed to the youngest child only. At the time of admissionBrother Concession (B.C) is not granted. |
3 |
Challan forms are handed over to the students. They are directed to deposit dues within due date. Students should retain paid vouchers for verification during the academic year and a copy of paid challan must be deposited to class incharge for clearance. |
4 |
Fee without fine: from 1stto 15thof the fee month. |
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Fee with fine: from 16thto 20th of the fee month. Rs. 50 will be charged after the due date as late fee fine. |
6 |
The name of the student will be struck off due to the nonpayment of dues after due date. |
7 |
Fee, once paid is not refundable. |
8 |
Make payments according to the schedule only. [Note: Schedule may alter according to the local holidays] |